
Spewing my thoughts online, so I don't forget them later

Month: January, 2013

First video of progress and Github repo created!

Update 1 video:

Github repo:


Separated OpenCV functions and operations into it’s own class, “CVImage”. KinectController class now only operates on the NuiApi, CVImage handles all the OpenCV work such as building a frame matrix and Gui retrives the OpenCV frame and displays it on an SDL surface.

I also edited the project structure and I started using version control with git.


In short, yes. Tracking of left hand is now implemented. Found the source of a memory leak and realised explicit destructor calls are not required.

I’m feeling very lazy today, so that’ll do. I’ll do some more tomorrow…. or the next day

v0.1 Completed

It took longer than I thought, but I have the basic elements of the project functioning. I’ll be going back to planning in the mean time to plan the next features to incorporate.

I might try to get a screen capture of the application for reference instead of posting code, since the line count and class files are growing.


Today, I am going to start my first attempt at the Kinect Music Controller. I intend to incorporate tempo control using the Kinect Sensor, whilst trying out my Song class by parsing an xml file for parameters. The idea is to see how all the different aspects of the project will work together. So far I have been developing each feature separately, so this should give me some ground to stand on and allow me to incorporate further features.

At the most basic level, the application will allow the user to select a song from the command line, use this to create a song class, play the song and allow the user to control the tempo of playback.