Some Rational Project Planning

by freshfunkee

Easter will bring a “Get this thing over and done with” mentality to the project. Not that I’m fed up with it or anything, but this way of thinking will help me focus on an end goal and deciding on a finalized design of the project.

I have planned the work I intend to complete over the next two weeks to reaching that stage, which consists of adding the final 3 effects and adding a timeline of the track playing. Yesterday, I finalized my choice of effects to Echo, Flange and Tremolo. Although they are not overly exciting effects, I believe with an innovative control design, they will collaborate well with the overall project scope.

Each of the 3 effects will require a control design, one of which requires a separate thread. Today, I am looking into how to add multi-threading to these areas and deciding which areas requires it. Currently FMOD has been described as “Thread Unsafe” which may lead to a large portion of the code being re implemented to account for this, but only time will tell.

Tomorrow, I will finish prototyping and completing prerequisites to begin development of these features. Monday marks the beginning of “Week 1” by the end of which I will hopefully be finished with effects implementation. Week 2 sees the implementation of the track timeline.


Fingers crossed, a finished iteration of the project on April 8th.